BSSD Credit Type: Practical Art
BSSD Weighted Credit: Honor Point
High School Credits: 2.0 units
Location: Career Innovation Center
- Grade: 11 or 12
- CIC Application Process
- 2.5 GPA or higher
- UCM Dual Enrollment Requirements
Dual credit:
- 12 College Hours - University of Central Missouri
- AVIA 1020 Intro to Aeronautics (3 college hours)
- AVIA 1211 UAS Regulations and Applications (1 college hour)
- AVIA 1212 sUAS Operations (1 college hour)
- AVIA 1213 sUAS Maintenance and Components (1 college hour)
- AVIA 1310 Private Pilot Ground School (3 college hours)
- AVIA 1903 History of Aviation (3 college hours)
- $99.50 per college credit hour
- $175 fee to take the 107 Remote Pilot License
industry recignized credential (IRC):
- FAA 107 Remote Pilot License